In a middling episode, Charmed brings us closer to tying its many threads together as Harry and Mel venture to save his darklighter.
When we last left off with Charmed, Harry met up with his darklighter half who, surprisingly, asked him for help. “Sudden Death” picks up with a concerned Harry who believes his Sexy (or as the Charmed subtitles would say, “Dirty”) half is in danger. As a reminder, the white and darklighters are linked, so if Sexy Harry is in danger, Harry is, too.
Meanwhile, Macy’s powers are back, but she’s still getting used to it, and the sisters are doing a spell to restore the Power of Three. Unfortunately, it still isn’t working which sends our group in three different directions.
Harry and Mel go to find Sexy Harry, while Macy works to find a spell that would sever the link between Harry and his darklighter. Maggie, on the other hand, believes that Abigael has something to do with the Power of Three not working and is on a hunt for the truth.
Harry and Mel orb to where all of the kidnapped magical creatures had been held. But the darklighter is gone and so are the creatures. They can’t find him anywhere. Sensing the danger, Harry tries to share his last words with Mel (including how he feels about Macy), but she won’t let him. (Honestly, Mel’s no nonsense gay witchery pulls the Charmed Ones and Harry through so many situations. You gotta love it.)
Harry and Mel find a disgusting creature in a vat and, naturally, have to figure out what happened stat, so Mel blows a potion into the air to show what happened there. They see that a big smoke monster that can shapeshift and do other scary stuff killed all the mad scientists, and they determine it’s a Frankenstein of the other kidnapped creatures. Harry and Mel find a phone at the scene and trace the outgoing call to Minnesota.
Once in Duluth, the two close in on the darklighter inside of a big warehouse, the main operating locale for demons. They both try to use their powers and can’t. It’s like something is blocking them. Harry finally uses his senses to locate the darklighter — who is back in his vial.
The door Mel had been trying to open breaks free and the Frankenstein is behind it. It grabs the vial of the darklighter and tries to merge, but Mel uses her powers to hold him back and Harry runs for the vial, stopping him just in time. On their way out, they find the corpse that had been brought back to life at the party. It’s dead again but they don’t understand why.
Meanwhile, Maggie decides to go see Abigael, who she believes blocked the Power of Three when she drained Macy’s demon power. On her way there, Maggie bumps into Jordan buying mugwort, as one does. He still has red in his ledger and wants to come along and help.
Maggie brings Jordan with her to Abigael’s apartment under the guise that they want her help breaking his curse. She gets up to respond to a text from Mel, and Abigael immediately puts the moves on Jordan. (Abigael may be the single thirstiest person alive.)
Abigael gives Jordan a notebook full of witches he can rescue, but demands to know why they’re really there before she’ll give it to him. To add insult to injury, she tells Jordan Maggie is just using him as a distraction to rescue Parker, who Jordan definitely didn’t know was alive.
While Abigael puts the moves on Jordan, Maggie sneaks downstairs to find the knife Abigael used in the ritual on Macy, but instead finds Parker, who, of course, starts a whole thing with her. Thankfully, he does help her find the knife just in time for Abigael to walk in and take it from her.
Macy convinces Abigael she wants nothing to do with Parker, but instead just wants to figure out what Abigael did to the Power of Three. Abigael retorts she did nothing, so the problem must lie with them.
As they leave, there’s an obligatory exchange between Maggie’s past and present love interests:
"Parker: “Hey, Jordan. Take care of her.”Jordan: “She can take care of herself.”"
Better yet, Jordan doesn’t get mad that he didn’t know about Parker and tells Maggie to take her time to heal. Okay, I’m a Jordan stan now.
Back at Elder HQ, Macy finds a spell in the Book of Elders that will split a human’s consciousness in two and thinks she can adapt it to sever Harry’s connection from Sexy Harry. But the spell requires the Power of Three. Luckily, Macy has hair samples from both Helens and conducts an experiment. (We love to see science Macy. Truly one of the things we’re missing in the excellent second season is Lab Coat Macy.)
Taking her experiment upstairs, involving eggs somehow?, she tries to fake out Julian who has not slowed down his pursuit at all. But he sees her and, instead of being annoyed, jumps in to help. He’s truly the most magnanimous human alive. (Or he has more nefarious motives….)
Macy is blocked, so Jordan orders food for them and casually offers her a job. Thanks to Julian’s soufflé, Macy has a breakthrough and realizes she can reconnect Harry with his darker half. She runs away from Julian’s lips and his job offer in order to save Harry once more.
Harry (who apparently lives in the Charmed Ones’ attic?) puts the darklighter vial on a shelf for safekeeping (which doesn’t feel very safe at all), and Macy walks in to tell him the news: She can merge his two selves.
Macy tells him she wouldn’t want to risk losing him, but Harry seems to be excited by the prospect of being whole. While they’re at it, Harry basically apologizes for the weirdness between them and makes sure they can be friends, sharing a sweet, platonic hug. (Ugh. Kiss already!)
The last scene of the episode reveals that Julian’s aunt is the corporate face of all the evil that has been going on. She has the talisman that controls the darklighter and she wants to end magic forever. The question is, is Julian in on it?
Do you think Julian is involved in his aunt’s schemes? Share your Charmed theories in the comments below!