Have everyday things that remind you of the Harry Potter series? Same

Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc /

From telephone booths to journals, there are lots of things about the Harry Potter series that we think about now and will that ever end up going away? Or will we keep thinking about the series?

When Pottermore wrote up about the real world and the Harry Potter series, there were a few things they brought up that are just inherently part of the fandom at this point. To this day, if we see a red phone booth, we instantly think we can call down to the Ministry of Magic and see Arthur Weasley.

But what’s exciting about it is that we’re always going to have that connection back to the series. Whether it be a briefcase that makes you think of Newt Scamander or sherbert lemons that make you think back to our favorite series.

The thing is, I don’t want that feeling to ever go away. With Harry Potter, we just love the series so much and the idea of losing that excitement when we think back to it when we see something that reminds us of Harry James Potter and his friends.

There is just a beauty that this series has stuck with so many of us for years and years and now, as we’re all a bit older and ready to continue on in our lives, we still think back to what makes it so special and that’s beautiful.

So whether you see a red phone booth and think about the Ministry of Magic or not, there is a beauty and fun to remember the series.

Next. So…why didn’t Hermione Granger free the house elves once she was in charge?. dark

Do you think about the Harry Potter series frequently? Does a red telephone booth get your attention? Let us know what you think in the comments below.