Would things have been different if Harry Potter knew about his fate?

Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc
Image Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc /

Throughout the Harry Potter series, he doesn’t know that his fate has always been decided but what if he was told about the prophecy from the very beginning of it all?

Harry Potter is a character that was actively kept in the dark time and time again and it never really worked out for him. From resulting in the deaths of random people within Harry’s life to just never having him be fully prepared for the situations he was going into, leaving Harry Potter in the dark was maybe not the best choice.

It all started as a way of protecting him as a child. If he didn’t know who he was or what his parents did, he wouldn’t be someone who would insufferable. But instead, it led to him being mistreated and being thrown to the wolves on more than one occasion.

Did no one realize that every time they just left Harry to his own devices, it ended up badly? It never really gave him any advantage so what if they just let him know about the prophecy that led to his parents’ death and his involvement with Voldemort?

Maybe then Cedric wouldn’t have died because he could have thought “Oh this probably has something to do with this” instead of thinking that no one was on his side and then a teenager had to die. So much of this series would be different if they just told Harry James Potter what was going on. Yes, he’s dramatic, but he would have at least been prepared.

Molly Weasley and the role motherhood played in the Harry Potter series. dark. Next

Do you think that Harry Potter should have known from the start? Or was the approach to how he knew about his fate with Voldemort the right one? Let us know in the comments below!