Captain Marvel 2 is officially in development at Marvel Studios, and it’s being penned by the same woman writing WandaVision.
All the Phase 4 Marvel projects being teased as of late have left many fans wondering when we’ll see a sequel to 2019’s Captain Marvel. After all, Marvel Studios has been pretty quiet about Carol Danvers’ return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, especially with its recent focus on closer projects like Black Widow and Eternals.
But Captain Marvel 2 is reportedly in development at Marvel Studios, and the writer behind it will be the same woman responsible for penning Disney Plus’ upcoming WandaVision series. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Megan McDonnell is in the final stages of negotiating a contract to create the script for the sequel — and if the deal is closed, it means we’ll be getting two female-fronted superhero stories written by her.
In addition to seeking out McDonnell to write the script, Marvel is also reportedly looking for a female filmmaker to helm Captain Marvel 2. It’s certainly an exciting time for women who love comic book films, as both Marvel and DC seem to be answering our calls for inclusion — even if there is still work to do.
In terms of plot, Captain Marvel 2 will take place in a present-day setting, which, sadly, means we won’t be seeing many ‘90s references this time around. (Sorry, Blockbuster, no screen time for you.) Outside of that, details haven’t been revealed just yet, but we can probably expect more empowering moments and maybe even more of Nick Fury and Goose. (That last bit may just be wishful thinking.)
As of right now, Marvel is aiming for a 2022 release for Captain Marvel 2 — meaning it’ll be a while before we fall into Carol’s story again. Still, it’s possible we’ll see her appear in one of Marvel’s other projects before then. (We can dream, right?) And if not, we’ve got plenty of female-led superhero content to keep us busy in the meantime!