The Good Place kicks off this week with some demon training for Michael, Janet, and Tahani, and some file studying for Chidi, Jason, and Eleanor
The Good Place survived the apocalypse last week with the Bad Place and the Judge all agreeing to a new afterlife system.
So… where does that leave us now?
Not-So-Short Summary & Analysis
The Bad Place demons are restless and are not fans of anything changing. Eleanor, Chidi, and Jason are in charge of finding the first 1,000 humans to take the new test and build confidence in their system.
Eleanor has Chidi read her file, expecting him to hate her. Surprisingly, that’s not the case! “I’m not good enough for you!” He exclaims, because he did nothing with his life, and it’s freaking him out. How can such opposites attract?
He gets so flustered that he puts Jason off and worries Jason about his relationship with Janet. On paper, it doesn’t make sense, but it works in the real world. And all of it was to trick Chidi into admitting that he and Eleanor do work.

Meanwhile, Janet, Michael, and Tahani are in charge of training the first set of demons to work on the test. Vicky makes her triumphant return from being a pile of goo and wants to be part of this first group. But can we trust her? Do we trust her?
She tries her hand at torturing Tahani as an example to the other demons. And she’s very good at it. And it gets under Michael’s skin. He can’t stand that she’s so inherently good at it and sends her away. It gets Michael so flustered that he tells Janet to shut up.
But he feels lost without something to do. He’s always had a job, a goal, something to work toward. Who is he without all of this?
So he manages to bring Vicky back by offering her the role of director, but gives it to her without making it look like she’s his puppet to the other demons.
And we jump to a Jeremy Bearimy length of time ahead. We see the first batch of Neighborhoods getting ready to launch when the noise to get into the Good Place starts.
The four of them don’t need to take the test. Saving every soul in the universe is worth a few points. Michael conjures up the solid gold hot air balloon and they all get in to head to the Good Place.
Favorite Moments & Lines
“I siphoned so much gas! Even if a car was moving… or on fire… or a boat!” Jason exclaims.
Of course all Eleanor would want to do with everyone’s files in the Bad Place is to look up all of the US presidents and find out which ones were secretly gay.
“Once on Earth, I didn’t know something… and I had to ask Alexa. …I felt dirty,” Janet admins.
Mr. Rogers is on the blackboard behind Eleanor, Chidi, and Jason for people in the Bad Place who should be their first test subjects. Now look, if Mr. Rogers didn’t get into the Good Place, then we really have a problem.
As we all know, this isn’t the last episode of The Good Place. So where is the solid gold air balloon actually taking our friends?