The Crown: Recapping every episode from the show’s third season

Photo: Olivia Colman in The Crown: Season 3.. Image Courtesy Sophie Mutevelian/Netflix
Photo: Olivia Colman in The Crown: Season 3.. Image Courtesy Sophie Mutevelian/Netflix
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The Crown’s third season premiered last month. Here we’re recapping what happened in every one of the new episodes.

Season 3 of The Crown released on Netflix on Nov. 17, bringing with it a host of new storylines and new talent with it. Given that the series is now jumping ahead on its timeline, this season introduced new actors and actresses as the main cast members, saying farewell to those who have ben a part of the series for the previous two seasons.

The third season takes place in a new era of Britain. A new Prime Minister and party govern the country. Our beloved main characters are older and settled into their royal positions, but new issues arise. Conflicts that weren’t resolved in the last two seasons continue to consume the royal family as well.

Princess Anna and Prince Charles, the children of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, are grown up and they face challenges trying to figure out who they are, while contending with the huge expectations hovering over them.  We are also shown real-life historical events that challenged the Queen and the British government. Sometimes they failed, and sometimes they rose to the occasion.

If you missed anything during The Crown‘s third season, we’ve got you covered. Here we’re recapping all 10 episodes, going through exactly what happened and how it played into the following events.