Harry Potter and the endgame relationships that we’re going to question


From Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley to Ron and Hermione Granger, we have the end relationships of the Potter series known. But what if they were different couples?

The Harry Potter series came with fans growing up with their favorite kind of couple in mind. For me, it was always Harry and Hermione. So when they didn’t end up together, it made me mad as a fan. That being said, I know I’m not alone.

From Harry/Hermione to Draco/Ginny, Draco/Hermione, Ginny/Neville, and beyond, there were plenty of relationships that we wish were part of the series. The thing about Potter is that they were so young that they barely even got into dating before the series came to an end and, while we can live in our fanfiction loves, it means that the actual series didn’t explore the possible relationships around them.

That being said, it also isn’t exactly probable that all these kids would meet their future husbands and wives in school when they are teenagers and yet here we are. Even though it doesn’t seem logical, it doesn’t stop some of us from shipping our favorites together in the Harry Potter series and maybe when we all revisit the series later, our opinions will change.

But for now, it is fun to think about what could be with our favorite couples. It may never happen and we’ll still have to live in our fanfiction but thinking about what could have been? That will always be fun for us fans.

Next. Sometimes it is easy to forget that, technically, David Tennant was in the Harry Potter series. dark

Did you get your favorite relationship in the end? Or do you wish there were other couples that ended up together in the Harry Potter series? Let us know what you think in the comments below!