The Good Place season 4 episode 9 preview: Let’s build a new system

THE GOOD PLACE -- "Tinker, Tailor, Demon, Spy" Episode 404 -- Pictured: William Jackson Harper as Chidi -- (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)
THE GOOD PLACE -- "Tinker, Tailor, Demon, Spy" Episode 404 -- Pictured: William Jackson Harper as Chidi -- (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)

The Good Place has only 45 minutes for our team to build a brand new ethical system for judging humans. Can they do it in time?

The Good Place has put itself in a time crunch. And a bad one. Not only do they only have about 45 minutes before the Judge finds her world-ending clicker in a Janet void, but they’re probably leaving the fate of the universe in the most indecisive hands: Chidi’s hands, to be exact.

Here is the official synopsis for this week’s episode, “The Answer,” courtesy of NBC:

"“In an attempt to plan a better future, Chidi considers his past.”"

All of this tracks for The Good Place. “The Answer” is the perfect title for the follow-up episode that looks to answer whether

This also means that Chidi gets revived by Michael with his 800 reboots’-worth of memories in tact. Which hopefully means he will learn and grow from all of those reboots and be… at least a little less indecisive?

THE GOOD PLACE — “A Chip Driver Mystery” Episode 406 — Pictured: (l-r) Manny Jacinto as Jason, William Jackson Harper as Chidi Anagonye — (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)
THE GOOD PLACE — “A Chip Driver Mystery” Episode 406 — Pictured: (l-r) Manny Jacinto as Jason, William Jackson Harper as Chidi Anagonye — (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)

What would be nice for The Good Place to do is have this episode be flashbacks. But not to things we’ve seen before. Much like the season two premiere of Eleanor’s “This is the Bad Place!” compilation or even Community’s “Paradigms of Human Memory” that gives flashbacks throughout the year, but of things that weren’t actually in episodes.

Because we’ve only seen a handful of those 800-odd reboots. There’s so much more we haven’t even covered. Chidi can easily draw upon any of those memories and create a brand new system from them.

You know, assuming a stomachache doesn’t get in the way of things.

We’ll have to see whether he freezes or if 800 reboots worth of memories is enough to pull him from his rut and have him grow as a human being.

The Good Place airs new episodes on Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. ET. Stay tuned for reviews of every new episode right here on Culturess.