Grey’s Anatomy season 16 episode 9 live stream: Watch online

ByMeg Dowell|

This midseason finale is probably going to leave Grey’s Anatomy fans with more questions than answers, especially after last week’s emotional roller coaster.

So far, this season of Grey’s Anatomy has piled on the drama almost to the point of collapse. Meredith Grey almost lost her license to practice medicine. Maggie lost a relationship, a patient (and a family member) and possibly her sense of purpose. On the flip side, both Amelia and Bailey found out they were pregnant, Jolex is forever, and Owen has only done a few stupid things to remind us he’s still Owen.

It’s been a wild ride. But there’s one more piece of this story to go before the midseason break and, knowing Grey’s Anatomy, it’s probably not going to end happily.

Now that Meredith officially gets to keep both her medical license and her job, Grey Sloan Memorial finally has one of its best surgeons back. But this isn’t the end of the chaos — in fact, it’s likely just the beginning.

Though this week’s promo doesn’t tell us much about what we can expect, we do know that all the drama that has been building throughout the season is finally going to reach its boiling point.

Meredith and DeLuca are already butting heads on her first day back. Catherine and Jackson are about to have a serious conversation about Richard (we know he’s not cheating, but they don’t know that — or is this all a lie?).


Maggie looks like she’s about to have a nervous breakdown in the middle of surgery, which wouldn’t be all that surprising considering what she has been through recently. But still, not good. Is someone we love and care about in trouble?

Current speculations have the whole fandom worried for Bailey and her baby’s well-being — a direction that kind of makes sense when you look at all she’s been through this season. She’s in some serious need of sympathy, and what better way to get overwhelming quantities of it then to put her and/or her baby’s life on the line?

Short, out of context clips are deceiving. We’ve been tricked before. But last week’s episode was both an emotional and brilliantly executed one, a favorite among viewers so far. They deliberately didn’t save that episode for the fall finale. Something else is on the horizon.

This also means there’s probably a devastating cliffhanger in our not so distant future, but we’ll take it if it makes everything leading up to this episode worth the wait.

Here’s how you can watch Grey’s Anatomy season 16 episode 9 online:

"Date: Thursday, November 21Start Time: 8 p.m. ETEpisode: “Let’s All Go to the Bar”TV Channel: ABCLive Stream: Watch live on ABC’s website or app."

Related Story. Grey’s Anatomy season 16 episode 8 review: Let’s talk about that twist. light

Come back to Culturess after you watch each episode of Grey’s Anatomy for reviews, predictions, and more. And follow us on Twitter @CulturessFS and @MegDowell for live tweeting during the episode.