1. Helen Parr
Within the first two minutes of The Incredibles, Elastigirl proves exactly how independent and capable she is. And when she became a mom, not one thing changed about her.
When you’re a mom, you have a lot of responsibilities. You have an entire family to look out for. When you’re a SUPERHERO mom? You have a family and a literal entire city to look out for. It’s not a small task, but Helen Parr, also known as Elastigirl, makes it looks like it’s just a day’s work.
She wasn’t just raising three kids; she was raising three super kids. They had to grow up and figure out their powers and more importantly, how to control them. Her husband wasn’t inept, but it was pretty clear in The Incredibles that he was checked out. Bob only perked up when Helen made it clear that Dash was in trouble for getting caught using his powers at school.
While Mr. Incredible was so stuck in recapturing the glory days, Helen kept the house running. Now, to his credit, Bob Parr did take care of the kids and the house in The Incredibles 2, when his wife became the center of the campaign to reinstate supers.
But again, Elastigirl became the center of the campaign to reinstate supers. Again, not a small task. Still, she took it on, and was then smart enough to put together the Screenslaver’s entire plan.
Leave saving the world to anyone BUT Elastigirl? I don’t think so. I don’t think so.