As Hulu’s Looking for Alaska continues, the Colonel is in trouble and Jake and Alaska have officially called it quits, which means there’s someone new in her sights — someone who has actually been there all along.
We’ve been waiting so long for Miles and Alaska to both be in the “right” place and time for mutual romance on Looking for Alaska. Now that it’s happening, we’re afraid of getting too attached.
But that’s not the only worry surfacing this episode. There’s other trouble on the horizon.
The prank Alaska and the Colonel pulled on the Weekday Warriors last episode brought along its fair share of funny moments — including Miles finding himself unable to outrun the swan that guards the lake.
But as we’ve seen thus far, every prank has its consequences. And the Colonel is taking full blame for the daring (and illegal) stunt this time. Which means he’s going to have to leave, and he has no idea how to deal with his failure.
And neither does Alaska, it turns out. Because even though she and Miles finally share some intimate time [almost] alone, and confess their feelings for each other, and everything is beautiful, something is also seriously wrong. Alaska has forgotten something — something important. Though we don’t know what.
After falling asleep, Miles wakes up to a hysterical Alaska drunkenly panicking about having to leave campus. She has somewhere to be. She needs to go.
As always, her friends do nothing to stop her — regardless of how reckless this may all seem later. In fact, they band together to help her drive her car past the gate and out into the world. Off to wherever it is she insists she has to go.
This is how things always are with Alaska. You’re so used to not being able to say no to her that you forget you actually can.
So because they care — they truly, wholeheartedly do care — Miles and company do everything they can to make sure she gets out. They succeed.
The episode ends with Alaska driving off into the night.
And I am not okay.
The next episode will begin the show’s final and most heartbreaking mystery yet: What really happened after Alaska drove away?
There may or may not be a definite answer. We’ll just have to keep watching to find out.
Get ready to cry. Because even if you think you’re strong and immune to shedding tears over fictional characters, I promise you, you have no idea what you’re in for.
Or maybe you do. Maybe you, like me, knew to expect this all along, and will still find yourself weeping alone in the dark filled with a kind of sadness even cheap wine can’t fix as you watch the characters you’ve fallen in love with completely fall apart.
You’ll never unsee those taillights fading into the dark.
We’ve made it this far, friends. We’re going to finish this together. No matter how much it hurts.
You can stream all eight episodes of Looking For Alaska on Hulu now.