Watchmen: Looking at the character of Ozymandias and his role in the show

Watchmen -- Jeremy Colin Hutton/HBO
Watchmen -- Jeremy Colin Hutton/HBO

Loved the pilot of Watchmen on HBO? Well, let’s take a deeper look at Ozymandias, his role in the Watchmen universe and what his involvement means for the series.

HBO’s Watchmen came crashing into the Fall TV scene and brought to life a modern world with the alternative history the graphic novel presented. But that being said, what does the world of the comic mean for the character of Ozymandias in the series?

Portrayed brilliantly by Jeremy Irons, Ozymandias is featured very briefly in the series’ pilot episode and all we know about him is that he likes to sit in his room naked, getting a sponge bath with just a signet ring on. So, what who is this guy and what does his character mean?

If you remember from the graphic novel or the film version, Ozymandias is sort of a villain (one that succeeds, as is the way of Watchmen). And now, still donning his rich clothes and riding into the series on a horse, we have to wonder exactly what his journey is going to be in the show.

But he’s not the only character from the original comic/film to be involved in this series.

While he’s dead, we saw a glimpse of The Comedian in a flash and there were shout outs to both Dr. Manhattan and Nite Owl, but there is one character who is for sure heading towards the series: Laurie.

Laurie Juspeczyk (otherwise known as Silk Spectre) is a detective that we’ve yet to meet, who’ll be returning to the Watchmen canvas to figure out what is going on in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And I hope that means that we’ll get even more of our favorite heroes as Watchmen continues. We already caught a glimpse of Nite Owl’s ship in the pilot episode but we’ve yet to hear of a casting decision on anyone bringing him to life.

Check back here on Culturess for more news and reviews on Watchmen each week after the latest episode!