The Good Place has plenty of questions up in the air, but for now, let’s just appreciate our favorite Floridian, Jason Mendoza, and his goofball tendencies.
We’ve gone crazy with The Good Place since it’s season 4 premiere. There’s so much at stake! How will the show end? Can Eleanor save humanity? Even with the almost-sacrifice play, can we trust Michael? Is this final experiment the actual final experiment, or is it more of a test for our four original subjects?
Instead, let’s take a deep breath after this latest episode and take a moment to truly appreciate our pre-successful Floridian DJ, Jason Mendoza.
Because Jason truly did save the day in last week’s episode. He was the one who realized it was a Bad Janet and not actually our not-a-girl girl and saved Michael from sacrificing himself.
And it’s his love of Janet that really saved them all.

Manny Jacinto does wonders with his Jason. At first glance, all you see is a goofball too dumb to be much help to the group. Someone who is used more for laughs than for plot points or the last laugh in a scene. (“Claustrophobic? Who would ever be afraid of Santa Claus?”)
But there’s so much more to Jason. Even he managed to figure out they were in the Bad Place once! He’s grown in his second chance at life and life in the afterlife. He’s started to realize that people have been trying to help him and stops to take notice. He’s listened to Janet’s needs and given her space (even if he took that meaning literally).
He has friends who understand him and knows they’re helping him become a better person.
Plus, he’s still good for a laugh. Like how fast he solved the word search. Or asking Glenn, “If you’re a devil, how come you’re not wearing Prada?”
I very much hope we get to see Jason punch Shawn in the mouth and then save Janet. And maybe also somehow figure out if Michael truly is Michael or if it really is Vicky in a Michael suit.