The Good Place theories: Let’s talk Michael and Janet

THE GOOD PLACE -- "Chillaxing" Episode 403 -- Pictured: (l-r) Ted Danson as Michael, Kristen Bell as Eleanor -- (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)
THE GOOD PLACE -- "Chillaxing" Episode 403 -- Pictured: (l-r) Ted Danson as Michael, Kristen Bell as Eleanor -- (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)

The Good Place always holds more than one trick at a time in its hand. In this final season, it feels like something is bubbling just under the surface.

Something has felt off in The Good Place since the end of the season four premiere.

I haven’t mentioned it much, because I wasn’t sure if I was reading too much into things or if it was something more. And it still might not be. But I’m not the only person wondering about that closing scene where Bad Janet comes to pick up their demon in disguise.

It all just came across too fishy. It just felt like something happened on that train when Janet loaded Chris onto it. Something was switched with someone else. And the Bad Place doesn’t seem dumb enough to have its only play be a terrible attempt at a demon in disguise.

There’s something else going on, and that mysterious figure heading toward the Good Place Neighborhood via a handcart seems like a telling tale.

Which leaves me with the questions: Is it a demon in a Michael suit? Or a Bad Janet pretending to be a Good Janet?

THE GOOD PLACE — “A Girl From Arizona” Episode 401/402 — Pictured: (l-r) D’Arcy Carden as Janet, Jameela Jamil as Tahani — (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)
THE GOOD PLACE — “A Girl From Arizona” Episode 401/402 — Pictured: (l-r) D’Arcy Carden as Janet, Jameela Jamil as Tahani — (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)

Michael still seems himself, that’s for sure, but he has his moments where he really seems to jump back into things — like showing Chidi how ready and willing he is to explode his problems.

But Janet… it doesn’t feel like it’s just the stress of running the Neighborhood. She broke up with Jason and then gave him the bad news about Blake Bortles. And she seemed far to eager to have Tahani resort to violence. I know we’ve been told that Bad Janets melt when they try to act like Good Janets, but if our Good Janet can feel feelings, I’m sure the Bad Place has figured out how to make a Bad Janet be good.

Which brings us back to the figure heading toward the Neighborhood. It has to be one of the two real characters, right? Having escaped from the Bad Place? Which means everything gets thrown out the window next episode. Who else would be hurtling towards them? Maybe Derek, but that doesn’t really add anything to the plot aside from being a nuisance.

There’s something going on with The Good Place. I just can’t quite figure out what we should believe and what’s a blatant lie.

Do you think Janet and Michael are Bad Place replacements? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!