Why is there such a love for Sirius Black, even now years later


Time and time again we talk about Sirius Black but why is it that we love him no matter what? What is it about Sirius Black that keeps us talking about his relationship with Harry?

There is a special place for Sirius Black in many of our hearts. We love him and want him to be there for Harry even after his death because we got to see him so briefly. But that then begs the question: Why do we love Sirius so much when he’s barely in the series?

To be honest, I think it is because of that “what could be” of it all. If Sirius Black had survived, we have all the possibilities for Harry Potter. For so long, he suffered at the hands of his aunt and uncle and it seemed as if, with Sirius Black, he could have had a family that wasn’t because he was forced on them.

Sirius wanted him around, wanted to do right by his best friend and, before he could, he was taken again from Harry. Sure, he gave his life to save Harry but still, there is something interesting about their relationship that we could have explored had Sirius survived the battle at the Ministry of Magic.

We were left without that relationship and we didn’t really get closure on the friendship between Sirius and Lupin. So maybe that’s why so many of us want to revisit the character and get to know more about him. We wish to see what Sirius Black could have done and how his relationships would be different if he got to live his life as a free man.

Next. Not a member of the “Harry Potter generation”? Don’t worry, you’re still a valid fan. dark

Do you love Sirius Black? Or do you love another character and can’t really explain why? Let us know who you love in the comments below!