Lily Evans: An exploration of Harry Potter’s mother and her significance


We don’t know much about Lily Evans but what we do know is fun to explore so we can see the amazing woman that Harry Potter could have known if it wasn’t for Voldemort.

Lily Evans was more than just Harry Potter’s mother but the problem is that we rarely got to get a glimpse of her in the series. Maybe because of Aunt Petunia and her hatred of everything her sister got that she didn’t but whatever the case may be, we didn’t get to really see everything that Lily had to offer.

What we did see though was an intelligent woman who, despite the brief moments she got to spend with him, loved her son and would literally die for him. And, looking at her character in that light, we can see a beautiful example of the kind of people we should aim to be. Lily, when discovering herself, realized that she wouldn’t put up with Severus Snape insulting her. Even though James Potter was rude and a bully to others, he wasn’t to her and if he was, it may have been a different story. But still, she called out James and his behavior.

Lily is a character we can all look to for guidance on how we should act as people. Love those in our lives, protect those who need it, and always speak your mind and stand your ground. To be fair, I wish we had more of her in the series but alas.

dark. Next. Why is there such a love for Sirius Black, even now years later

Lily Potter deserved so much more but what we did get to explore of her was amazing and I wish there was something else we could see! Do you love Lily Evans? Let us know what you think in the comments below!