In its upcoming fourth episode, AHS: 1984 promises to illuminate dark backstories and ignite new rivalries.
Secrets have been spilled, slashers have gone on sprees, decades-old grudges have resurfaced, and some folks have even (literally) lost their heads. And we’re not even halfway through the season.
AHS: 1984 is, as the show proves almost every year, off to a speedy, electric start — and given that we’ve seen three hours of television and moved only about exactly that much in narrative time, it’s a safe bet that this season will maintain its unique structure to really draw out what should be the worst night of these teens’ lives. Fortunately for us — and hella unfortunately for them — our camp counselors have already been through a lot in their young years, and the insanity doesn’t seem to be coming to an imminent end.
Last week, we got our most in-depth and intriguing look at several of our main characters. Nurse Rita has turned out not to be a nurse after all, but a serial-killer-obsessed researcher looking to study Mr. Jingles and co. and the societal reasons behind their sprees. Ray has turned out to be an accidental but then on-purpose murderer, a traitor, and now, sadly, a Headless Motorcycle Man. And Montana, who always seems the most authentic, even while being the most naughty, has revealed herself to be in cahoots with The Night Stalker, both of them all in on a plan to kill one of the women amongst them.
This week, we’re at least promised a bit more on their origin story. Check out the trailer:
With Montana revealed to be a double crosser in spandex, Mr. Jingles and The Night Stalker now going at it, Margaret refusing to close camp, and Ray straight-up dead (though not necessarily gone — the camp has been known to house its fair share of dead ghosts, so no one can ever fully be written off), we’re sure to get our fill of campy, salacious terror this week. Especially as Jingles and Margaret finally meet again:
"“Mr. Jingles closes in on the one who got away as the counselors rally to escape Camp Redwood.”"
Watch with us as we discover the truth about Montana and The Night Stalker, navigate the new reality in which Ray is gone (probably), devour the continued streak of terror on our innocent(ish) campers, and, perhaps most importantly, finally find out the deal with Chef Birdie.
"Date: October 9Time: 10 p.m. ETEpisode: “True Killers”Channel: FXLive stream: Watch live on Fubo TV. Sign up now for a free seven-day trial. You can also watch on FX’s website or via FX Now."