The Good Place still has plenty of episodes left in its final season before reaching the finale. But two episodes in, we already have a theory on how it might end.
The Good Place has given us such wonderful curve balls in its first three seasons that we never know what to expect. We’re constantly taking another look at things and second-guessing motivations and what things look like.
That ending scene in the season four premiere looked highly suspicious. Was there a switcheroo between Janet and Bad Janet, and is that why Janet just broke Jason’s heart and gave him the Blake Bortles news? Is that a demon in a Michael suit and not actually Michael?
We could drive ourselves crazy trying to figure out how this show is going to end. But that still doesn’t stop us from theorizing. We’ll drive ourselves crazy and enjoy every moment of it!
The season four premiere did a lot of setup for the season. This second episode showed us that things might look a little familiar.
And it really got me thinking about how The Good Place might end.

We’ve already discussed how this last experiment isn’t necessarily about the results of the four new test subjects but how our four original humans react and grow. It’s all just a test for them to prove that they can be better people.
So, what if everything resets all over again?
I don’t mean this in a bad way — I mean it like Futurama‘s ending. Or the final book of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series. It ends with the Judge resetting everything to the beginning — to when Michael was still a demon trying to torture them.
It resets us back to the pilot episode and we can just keep watching this show’s four seasons in an infinite loop.
The Bad Place already meddled in this final experiment. The Judge threatened them with interfering again and resetting it all. What if they interfere once more just because they’re the Bad Place (because of course they would)?
And what if Judge Gen decides that maybe we just need to start over again from the beginning? Cue a white screen and then the closeup of Eleanor opening her eyes and seeing the “Everything is Fine” sign. And a non-reformed Michael poking his head out of his office and calling her in.
Look, if I’m even remotely right with this theory, I’ll be just as surprised as you are. But do you think it might happen? Or will The Good Place take its story a completely different way and keep exceeding our expectations?