Is James Potter a hero we should look to or just a figure that Harry Potter longed to know?


When you stop and think about James Potter, it is a little questionable that we love him so freely when he wasn’t the best to those around him. But is that because we see him through Harry’s eyes?

James Potter may have been a great dad while he had the chance but it took him a while to end up there. Through his struggle with how he treated his fellow classmates to turning his life around and being the kind man who even has the right to look at Lily Evans, we can tell that James Potter doesn’t have life figured out and he’s a flawed character.

But does that mean we can’t see him as a hero? I think, in a way, James is a hero but because of how he changed his ways. Sure, I don’t think we can excuse his behavior when he was in Hogwarts. I get it, he was a kid but he also was old enough to know the difference between bullying and being a good person.

But still, the result was that James Potter sacrificed himself to save Lily and Harry and it is clear he would have done as much for anyone in his life who needed him. He might not have bee perfect but who really is? Even Harry himself has his moments because, at the end of the day, they’re all just humans trying the best they can.

So I think that we can consider James Potter a hero because he stood up against the evils of the world and fought back in the only way he knew how.

Next. Harry Potter and the exploration of finding your own version of home. dark

Do you love James Potter? Or do you love the idea of him like Harry did? Let us know how you feel in the comments below!