The Good Place has always been a show to subvert expectations. With this final season premiering, do we really think it’s going to be that simple?
Don’t worry, everything’s already forked up on The Good Place. And we’re only a half-hour into the final season!
We knew this final experiment wouldn’t be easy — none of the other 800 iterations have been — but with so much at stake, we hoped and dreamed. But the Bad Place has already interfered, sending a demon in disguise as test subject Linda.
Don’t let The Good Place fool you, though. I have the strangest feeling that this last experiment is only part of the puzzle.
Because it has become even more obvious that all of this is still just a test for our four humans. Look at how much they regressed in this season premiere: Eleanor was selfishly keeping Chidi away from Simone. Tahani name-dropped so many times. Jason straight up killed Derek.

There’s nothing good about any of them at the moment. The only one who was remotely good was Chidi, but he’s just happy to summon books from his bookshelf like Thor with his hammer.
The other issue is that all of the current test subjects believe they belong in the Good Place (or, you know, are in a coma). But the original premise was that Eleanor — and Jason — both knew they didn’t belong. Everyone truly believes they belong there. What’s to start Chidi from getting his constant stomachaches?
How many episodes until this “final experiment” is thrown out the window and we’re taken down a completely different route?
And if not, this scenario still works as their last experiment to save themselves. John, the gossip blogger, is testing Tahani. Simone was there to test Chidi, but now she is part of Eleanor’s test, which is also Chidi. Jason’s test is Derek and his jealousy. And Brent is there to break Janet — and as an extension, Michael.
There are too many flaws within this experiment for it to work anywhere as well as Michael’s original Neighborhood. It feels destined to fail. And maybe that’s the point.