Ginny Weasley: The character whose crush on Harry Potter worked out somehow


Remember your first crush and how you wanted it to work out no matter what but it never did? Ginny Weasley basically got the dream that all of us wish we could have had.

Ginny Weasley may have been lost to the wills of Voldemort for a spell but she did have a pretty great life after that. Meaning she got to marry her schoolgirl crush, a thing that almost never happens to any of us. Let’s take a look at Ginny and her relationship with Harry Potter and why some of these instances hurt us as fans.

For many, we know the pain of having a crush that doesn’t love you back and, for many of us, that was it. But for Ginny, her crush on Harry Potter went from a schoolgirl crush into a full blown marriage and that is a feat we cannot scoff at. For instance, she could barely speak to him when she first met him.

It’s just one of those moments when we look at the crushes we’ve once had and wish that we could have had the same success that Ginny did. That being said, she had gotten over her crush on Harry Potter by the time the two actually started dating but still, there has to be a part of Ginny that is happy that those dreams she had when she was a kid ended up coming true, right?

Whatever it is, Ginny Weasley mastered the art of getting your crush and securing that dream scenario and it is impressive.

Next. Still honoring Harry Potter when there isn’t anything new happening for the series. dark

Did you relate to Ginny in the end? Or were you lost in the idea of the crushes that would never be? Let us know how you feel in the comments below!