Is Harry Potter responsible for inspiring the next generation of forward thinkers?


When you think about Harry Potter, it is easy to see that we all have a special place for it in our hearts but did it help us become a more progressive thinking generation?

Harry Potter became the series that defined a generation. For so many of us, it taught us important life lessons in a way that none of us could have predicted. So did it help us in our outlook on life now that we’re older?

I’m thinking specifically, today, about the kids standing up in the U.N to fight for climate reform and how they are strong and ready to stand in what they believe in and they grew up in an age where we all still read the Potter series and see kids our age doing the same thing. They’re fighting, willing to do the things necessary to save the world and that’s exactly what Harry Potter and his friends did.

Sure, it could also be that we’re living in a time period where civil unrest seems to be the norm anymore but also, we all watched as kids fought for what they believed in and took a stand against the evils of the world and so maybe that took root in us deeper than we ever could have hoped.

Whatever it is, I do think that we are better off for reading the series. We took valuable lessons from Harry and his friends and we can see how that idea (especially since the Millennial generation is constantly yelled at for our need to fight back) is put to work daily.

Next. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Why you should try and see the show as soon as possible. dark

Do you think Harry Potter helped shape the way you view things? Or is your general outlook on life and the situations in society what you expected even before reading the series? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!