Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 14 review: Morgan moves on

Maggie Grace as Althea, Lennie James as Morgan Jones - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
Maggie Grace as Althea, Lennie James as Morgan Jones - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC

As the group learned more about the new big bad on Fear the Walking Dead this week, Morgan finally made peace with the past.

This week’s episode of Fear the Walking  Dead, “Today and Tomorrow,” delivered an emotional moment that’s been building since the first episode of The Walking Dead. During one of his confessional videos with Al, Morgan talked in depth about his wife Jenny and his son Duane. He talked about how they met, some of his happiest memories with Jenny, and how he felt about Duane.

Fans who have followed Morgan’s journey for all these seasons know what a significant step forward it was for him to open up about his family. Morgan has been stuck for a long time, unable to move on emotionally because of his grief. By permanently memorializing his memories of Jenny and Duane. it seems like he was finally able to let go of the past.

Or maybe that’s not the right phrase. He didn’t let go of his grief; he just stopped carrying it. Now those memories and stories are on film. They’re immortalized. Jenny and Duane will never be forgotten, even when Morgan is dead. In his own way, he’s managed to keep their spirits alive by telling Al about them.

Grace was the impetus for Morgan to finally face his grief, but now Grace’s time may be up. She’s very sick, and if it’s the radiation making her sick, she may not recover. After Morgan and Al were able to leave the community where Ginny and the Pioneers have set up, Morgan may not even be able to reach Grace in time to say goodbye.

But after Grace was the catalyst for such a big shift in Morgan’s journey, it’s very possible that this is a false alarm and that Grace isn’t on her way out — yet. These two still have a journey to take together, and it would be tragic to see that cut short.

What do the Pioneers want?

A few more pieces of information were given about Ginny and the Pioneers in “Today and Tomorrow,” but there’s still not enough information to figure out what her endgame is. Al wanted to search that community to see if Isabelle was there, or if Ginny and her group are connected to CRM.

When Al asked Ginny if they have helicopters, trying to figure out if Ginny’s group is the mystery group Isabelle spoke of, Ginny laughed it off. But she didn’t look surprised. At this point, it doesn’t look likely that the two groups are connected, but much stranger connections have popped up on Fear the Walking Dead. Don’t count out a connection between the Pioneers and CRM just yet.

A more immediate question that needs an answer is why those two people were running from the Pioneers. Ginny has repeatedly said that they’re trying to help people, but the woman that Wes saved and the man that Al and Morgan saved were both running from the Pioneers, and the Pioneers are trying to track them down.

Groups that are trying to help people don’t usually chase down people who choose to leave. Why were they so desperate to get away, and why does Ginny want them back so much?  Could it be because CRM needs people and they want to turn them over to CRM? Jadis on The Walking Dead gave people to CRM for some purpose. Maybe Ginny is doing the same.

With just two episodes left in season 5 of Fear the Walking Dead, the answers to those questions and many others are probably going to be a big part of what’s coming up in 515 and 516.

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