Fear The Walking Dead review: A surprise death and a new big bad

Matt Frewer as Logan - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
Matt Frewer as Logan - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC

Fear The Walking Dead is upping the intensity with a new big bad as the season finale looms and hints that the survivors could be part of a much larger plan.

There’s been a lot character development in Fear The Walking Dead in season 5, as well as the introduction of some very interesting new characters like Rabbi Jacob, Grace, and Isabelle. But the latest episode of FearTWD neatly got rid of one villain and brought in a new one that isn’t like any the survivor squad has faced yet.

Ginny and the Settlers are the first distinctly Texas group that has been featured on the show and it’s great to finally see some survivors that reflect that Texas ranching culture. They’re also a much larger group than our heroes have had to face, so it’s going to be interesting to see how they deal with that and whether or not they can trust Ginny’s grand plan for civilization.

The end of Logan’s arc was rather abrupt, but his story felt complete as he came full circle in his journey. He was also a poignant reminder to the squad, particularly to Sarah, that their actions will have an impact in ways that they might not know about.

There are so few survivors left now that anything that happens to them individually can have larger repercussions. It was a hard lesson, but one they needed. Their relentless altruism does sometimes need to be put in check, and Logan’s story of the woman at the truck stop dying because Clayton wasn’t on his route was a hard reminder of that fact.

No one will shed any tears for Logan, but the fact that Ginny killed him in cold blood for not holding up his end of their deal should make the squad very wary of her. It was a kill shot for Logan but a warning shot for the survivor squad.

A Larger World

It’s interesting that it was also in season 5 where The Walking Dead’s story really opened up and took the group of survivors into a brand new world by pushing them out of Georgia and into Virginia where they found the Alexandria settlement. Now the Fear The Walking Dead world is expanding in a big way in its fifth season as well.

It hasn’t been revealed how many people exactly the Settlers have but the squad hasn’t faced off with a large group in a long time. The squad has their operations down pat and they know how to work together, but how will they work with such a large group? Will they be forced to take Ginny’s offer to join the Settlers? There are a lot of questions still to be answered and just a couple of episodes left in season 5.

Major Deaths On The Horizon?

The action is ramping up as the season finale approaches and even though it’s felt at times like this season was a slow build that focused a lot on character development there could be some devastating losses ahead in the build up to the season finale.

So far this season there haven’t been any actual casualties from the main Fear The Walking Dead survivor squad. Logan was the first major death of any character so far this season. That could mean that the show is breaking from its pattern of delivering at least one devastating death per season.

Or, it could just mean that the last few episodes of Fear The Walking Dead are going to surprise fans with some big losses that could include a beloved character or two.

Fear The Walking Dead continues the countdown to the season 5 finale with a new episode this Sunday and with just three episodes left this season it’s sure to be an intense installment.