Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance: “Nothing Is Simple Anymore” raises the stakes for the main cast


During the premiere of Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, the series established its main cast and the problems they’ll be facing. The second episode raises the stakes for all three of them in a satisfying way.

The premiere of Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance set viewers up for a struggle between the Skeksis lords and the Gelfling, establishing the loss of the Crystal’s power as the catalyst for the change and rebellion that’s likely to come over the course of the series. But while the first episode introduces the three main characters we’ll be following, the second one raises the stakes for all three of their storylines — and it makes for a far more satisfying episode overall.

Following her warning from the Sanctuary Tree, Deet sets out for Ha’rar, but her journey aboveground proves to be more daunting than she expected. She has a nearly fatal run-in with an Arathim, a spider-like creature that attacks her, and she only escapes with the help of a Podling named Hup. The two almost immediately form a friendship that’s sure to become a talking point as the series continues, and Hup agrees to accompany her to Ha’rar — a lucky development given that Deet was initially headed in the wrong direction.

Rian’s storyline picks up with him on the run from the Skeksis, the unfortunate aftermath of him witnessing the lords draining Mira of her essence. And the Skeksis ensure he can’t seek help, accusing him of murdering Mira, a crime that many of the Gelfling accept without question. Thankfully, Rian’s best friend, Gurjin, dreamfasts with him and believes his description of what happened.

But the Skeksis are clever, and Rian knows he’ll need far more than his own memories to convince the other Gelfling to turn away from their leaders. He and Gurjin sneak into the Skeksis’ chambers to steal what’s left of Mira’s essence. And while Rian succeeds, the situation leaves Gurjin in the hands of the enemy and Rian jumping off a cliff and into the unknown. Rian’s storyline is definitely the most anxiety inducing of the episode, and it leaves viewers wanting to know what happens next.

Meanwhile, Princess Brea sets out to discover what the symbol from her vision means — with somewhat disastrous results. She seeks out one of the Sifa clan members and tricks him into giving her information, wiping his memory with a concoction intended for her in the first place. It’s a winning moment for her character, who’s clearly a force to be reckoned with, but it doesn’t impress Al-Maudra. Brea’s mother sends her away as punishment for pursuing her vision.

With all three characters currently outside of their comfort zones and facing plenty of danger, we can only assume that their paths are going to cross one another from here. And with Rian’s knowledge of the Skeksis and Deet’s and Brea’s visions, they’re likely going to be the ones to start planting seeds of doubts in the Gelfling’s minds.

There’s also plenty of in-fighting between the Skeksis themselves during “Nothing Is Simple Anymore,” something that’s sure to change the tides for the villains. They’re already squabbling over the essence, and their insatiable need for more power will either lead them to fight among themselves or lead to a much darker relationship between them and the Gelfling.

What did you think of the second episode of Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance? Share your thoughts in the comments below!