Why do we all love Harry Potter as a character as much as we do?


Harry Potter is the main character in the series so of course, we’re always going to talk about him but why do we love Harry and want to support him as we do even years later?

When it comes to the Harry Potter series, we all probably have a soft spot for Harry. Mainly because he is the one we’ve been following for this entire time. Then again, maybe you don’t but, let’s look at those of us who do love him.

He was just a boy when we all met him, tortured by his aunt and uncle and made to clean their belongings all because they hated his mother and father. But then, as the series went on, we got to watch him grow into this beautiful character who would lay down his life to protect his friends.  Maybe he got that instinct from his father or maybe there was something more but Harry Potter was always ready to do whatever necessary to save the people around him.

Just like James Potter did and just like Lily Potter did. And he didn’t even have them, growing up, to teach him that. It was just in his blood that that was what he was meant to do. It helped that, down the line, he got to meet friends of his parents and learn from them but still, he knew all on his own what was the right thing to do and that’s why he’s one of the best characters.

dark. Next. Harry Potter and the extended universe: What is the wizarding world like in other parts of the world?

What is it about Harry Potter as a character that you love? Or do you not like him at all and like some other character in the series instead? Let us know what you think in the comments below!