Choosing your Patronus: The importance that James Potter’s has in the series


James Potter was known as Prongs by his friends because of his Patronus, one that Lily Potter also matched. But why is his Patronus so important in the series?

It’s sweet that James Potter and Harry Potter both have the same Patronus. Adopting the stag, like his father, a Patronus became a big deal in the midst of the story for Harry. Mainly because he thought his father was looking out for him when he realized that his own Patronus was the same as James’s.

That being said, there are many instances in the series where a Patronus is a big deal. Let’s look, for instance, at Snape. You don’t have to like him (I certainly don’t) but his Patronus being the same as Lily’s was a big point because it showed that, in Snape’s own warped way, he still loved Lily Potter.

Even if by having a doe as his Patronus, he was still kind of connected to James Potter and then Harry Potter as well. But that’s beside the point. with these four characters, the importance of their Patronuses is something that the series relies on quite a bit. Which is kind of a good thing. It’s a connection.

Without it, Harry’s Patronus would have been fine and not nearly as powerful and the same would be true with the doe. The knowledge that this very intimate part of their magic is connected is a beautiful way of bringing those these characters lost to life in the story.

Next. The importance of the Golden Trio and what their friendship means to fans. dark

If you had to choose a Patronus, what would you pick? Do you think that it is sweet that James and Lily Potter had Patronuses that went together? Let us know what you think about it all in the comments below!