ABC is rumored to be looking for a replacement for Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, and it’s looking like that replacement might be a female-led show. We have six ideas for characters they can use.
Look, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD fans are still in mourning. With its sixth season ending last week and the upcoming seventh season being its last, we still need some time to process it all. Except ABC refuses to give us time to grieve.
In an interview with Deadline, ABC Entertainment president Karey Burke said, “I have spoken to Marvel, and we are in active talks about one project in particular.” The only other thing she said is that it would be “something brand new, mostly” and would be female-focused.
It’s not a very specific quote, but it does open up a world of possibilities. ABC has an entire comic book mythos to pick from. But mostly brand new? That puts a bit of a twist on it.
So, if ABC needs some ideas, we’re here to help. Here are our five picks for characters they can focus on, in no particular order.

1. Daisy and May
Let’s just go with the obvious one first. Let Daisy Johnson spread her wings and give May the mantle of her Director, whether that’s with SHIELD, her Secret Warriors, or SWORD.
Remember way back at the start of Agents of SHIELD when Skye was the worst? Now we’d love to see Chloe Bennet chew the scenery for a spin-off. And you can never have enough Ming-Na Wen in your life.
2. Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird
Ever since Agents of SHIELD parted ways with Bobbi and Hunter, I have schemed ways to bring them back into the fold. Hunter did make a one-episode appearance in season five to rescue Fitz and help send him to the future, but nothing more.
Bobbi was such an exciting addition to the show. Her banter with Hunter added a new sense of humor to things, and the way she battled could almost rival Agent May.

3. Peggy Carter
For the love of all that is good, please bring back Agent Carter. That show was underrated and showed how much of a bad-ass Margaret Carter truly is. Anything to get Hayley Atwell to grace our television screens on a show that doesn’t waste her talents.
Besides, if you wanted to have fun with it and get people to tune in, her sidekick can absolutely be Chris Evans as a terribly-disguised Steve Rogers. All of the B-plots can be him struggling to fit back into the world he came from and missing all of our modern technology. And bonding with Jarvis, Howard Stark’s butler.
(Plus, if Agents of SHIELD is time-traveling, it’s so easy to tie it in as a “spin-off” that way…)
4. Misty Knight
We’ve already seen her on Luke Cage, but that show was canceled after just two seasons, so we never really saw her full potential. Simone Missick brought so much to the character, even in her minor role, even in her cameo appearances across all of the other Marvel Netflix series.
We want to see what she can really do with that bionic arm. Plus, we could then get the Daughters of the Dragon spin-off that ended Iron Fist‘s second season and bring Colleen Wing into the mix, too!
5. She-Hulk
Fans have been clamoring for some version of She-Hulk almost since Agents of SHIELD premiered — even if it was just a quick cameo appearance as a lawyer in a courtroom, battling against something dumb SHIELD did.
In the comics, Jennifer Walters is Bruce Banner’s cousin and she gains her Hulking powers due to a blood transfusion from Bruce that saves her life. She’s been part of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four and is a darn good lawyer as well.
Honestly, it could start out as a procedural show with her lawyering abilities and turn into an origin story for how she gains her Hulk powers. Marvel’s always been good with taking liberties from the comics.

6. Any Female X-Men Member
Because why not? The Gifted barely lasted two seasons, and before that, we had the cartoon X-Men: Evolution that got canceled just as it was getting really good. And there’s the classic X-Men: The Animated Series, my personal favorite.
Pick any minor female character from any of the Fox movies and put her as the star of the show. You want a Jubilee show? Kitty Pryde? Psylocke? Negasonic Teenage Warhead? A better version of Rogue? Blink? Lady Deathstrike? Give me the Morlocks!
All you need is a recast, which makes it mostly new, and you’re golden. Plus, then fans don’t have to wait another two to four years to see Marvel’s take on the X-Men.
What female character from the Marvel comics would you love to see as the star of ABC’s rumored show? Let us know in the comments!