The Walking Dead recently released a teaser for a spin-off series that will explore a new part of TWD universe. Here are some things fans would love to see in the new spin-off.
AMC is tripling down on The Walking Dead universe. The network is rolling out a second spin-off of the hit show that is filming now in Virginia and will air in the spring of 2020. Recently, a teaser dropped, showing that this spin-off will have a very different look and feel from The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead stories we know.
Watch the teaser for the new series here:
The teaser shows some of the concept art for the new story, as well as cast members from the show. The concept art is intriguing and shows the world of The Walking Dead in an advanced state of decay. The show will take place in the future of The Walking Dead world, although it hasn’t been announced how far in the future it will be. Judging by the concept art, it will be far enough into the future that all traces of the world before the apocalypse are in ruin.
Setting the show in the future is a smart move because it provides a better overview of the universe without copying anything that’s already being done on The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead. There was a brief moment where the two existing series overlapped, allowing both Morgan Jones and Dwight to cross over from The Walking Dead to Fear The Walking Dead, but now the shows are on different timelines.
Fear The Walking Dead kicked off just at the start of the apocalypse, and the original show was set some months after the fall of society. So, with the new series starting in the future, it will give the showrunner room to explore more of the world without having to make sure that the timeline matches up to either of the already-existing shows.
The Walking Dead has done a great job capturing the attention of fans. Even with the departure of Rick Grimes, season nine was thought to be the best season of the show in years and season 10 is shaping up to be equally as exciting.
But in order for three shows set in The Walking Dead universe to successfully run at the same time, the new show doesn’t have a lot of room for mistakes. It has to avoid the costly mistakes that Fear the Walking Dead made in its first couple of seasons. Five things that the spinoff needs to hold the attention of fans are:
Younger protagonists
The Walking Dead has been on the air for ten years, and Fear the Walking Dead was just renewed for a sixth season. TWD universe needs to draw in younger viewers and younger protagonists. Judging by the preview, the show will revolve around a much younger set of survivors than fans have seen before.
Connection to the other shows
Fear The Walking Dead has started incorporating callbacks and mentions of events and people in first series, and it makes the shows much more cohesive and creates a better sense of immersion in the universe. The new show should start off with some Easter Eggs and callbacks to the other series to help establish its place in the universe.
A unique look
One of the ways that the various shows in this universe can distinguish themselves is by having very unique looks that are influenced by their locations. After the soft reboot, Fear the Walking Dead came back with a totally new look and style heavily influenced by Texas, where the show is set and films. It makes a big difference. If the concept art is done in the same style that this show will have, the latest spin-off will have a unique look.
Characters we care about
Part of the reason why Fear the Walking Dead struggled a bit in the beginning is that it took people a little while to warm up to some of the characters. Good character development from the start will go a long way toward getting fans emotionally invested from the start. But, since the showrunner of the new series is Matt Negrete who has worked on The Walking Dead for years and has written many of the most emotional episodes of the show, character development shouldn’t be a problem.
The Walking Dead familyloves when pets appear in the post-apocalyptic world. Daryl on The Walking Dead has Dog, who is his companion and helps him fight walkers. Daniel Salazar on Fear The Walking Dead has Skidmark, the cat who is trained to draw walkers with the bell on his collar. And the new series should really introduce a pet, too. (And the pet cannot die within the first season or fans will definitely riot.)
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