The Walking Dead season 10: 5 questions we have after the first trailer

The Walking Dead’s tenth season trailer is finally here, and it raises some big questions about what’s coming in the new episodes.

During The Walking Dead hiatuses, it always feels like new episodes of the show are years away. But once San Diego Comic-Con comes around and a new trailer shows footage from the upcoming season, it feels like the new episodes are just around the corner.

Watch the first trailer for The Walking Dead season 10 here:

The season 10 trailer packed a lot of information and clues about the upcoming season into a very short period of time. Fans will see Oceanside again, and it looks like Oceanside will have a significant role this season. That makes sense because Oceanside would be a strategic location for the survivors to avoid The Whisperers.

The Whisperer War is coming, which means there will be more interactions between the survivors and Alpha, Beta, and a new Whisperer Gamma played by Thora Birch. Carol and Alpha will face off, which is something that many Carol fans wanted to see. And there will be a lot of general badassery from both communities, which is to be expected.

It also looks like relationships will play a big role in the upcoming season. Michonne and Ezekiel are together at some point. Carol and Daryl have some great scenes together. And Rosita’s baby has arrived. Family, love, and loyalty are at the core of the survivors’ world and the core of the show. It’s nice to see that won’t change even as characters leave the show.

There was so much to process in that trailer that I, along with many other fans, couldn’t really do much more than react to all the things being thrown at us. But the trailer does raise some interesting questions about season 10.

What’s been going on at Oceanside?

We haven’t really gotten any information at all about Oceanside since the time jumps. What’s been going on there? Obviously they managed to survive — and the community looks strong — but I’m going to need to know more about what they’ve been up to and how they’re going to fit into the season 10 storylines.

Who’s leading The Hilltop?

It looks like Ezekiel and the Kingdom survivor are still at Hilltop, so is Ezekiel in charge now? So many of Hilltop’s leaders were murdered by The Whisperers, it’s unclear who was left in the community that would make a good leader. Has Ezekiel taken charge of the survivors from both communities? And where’s Maggie?

What is Negan’s status?

In one scene, he’s still in his cell and Daryl is facing off with him, which is great. Get that justice for Glenn, Daryl! But in another scene, he’s out and about, and Father Gabriel is telling Aaron to let Negan fight for Alexandria. Does that mean Negan is free? Is that really a great idea?

Is there a possibility of a Daryl and Carol spin-off?

In the trailer, Daryl and Carol talk about leaving and heading for the west coast. I am 100 percent here for that spin-off series. Would they ever really leave the others, though? I don’t really care where they go or if they go. I just love seeing them interact and seeing Daryl have lines and an actual personality.

Can they beat The Whisperers?

Obviously, The Whisperer War is coming. But can the survivors even win? The Whisperers have a staggeringly large force, they’re ruthless and creepy, and they can sneak in and out of the communities apparently. Before, I would have bet on the survivors to win against any villain. But Alpha has already put a big dent in their numbers, and I’m not so sure they can actually beat her. It’s going to be amazing to see how this unfolds.

What did you think about The Walking Dead season 10 trailer? Tweet us @SonyaIryna and @CulturessFS to tell us your thoughts about the trailer and the upcoming season.