Big Little Lies season 2 episode 6 review: Everyone is starting to break

The weight of Perry Wright’s death isn’t going away as the investigation continues on this week’s episode of Big Little Lies.

When it comes to Big Little Lies, we’re all aware that there are lots of questions still unanswered this season. Last week, we watched as Celeste began to focus her energy on her court case against her mother-in-law, while all of the women began to figure out their own lives and problems. But throughout the season, one problem has remained constant: Perry Wright.

Perry was a man who was hated by many from the start. The women on the show have problems that don’t revolve around his death, but with each new issue that arises, it always goes back to what happened that night. From the beginning of the season, everyone has taken the approach of just not talking about it. But Bonnie has been constantly plagued by what she did.

This week, we got a few answers, but there is still a lot we have to learn. First, we finally understand Bonnie’s motivation to push Perry in the first place. Sure, he was beating Celeste and the women were fighting back, but prior to that night, Bonnie was kind of on the sidelines of the group. This week, she addresses the push by blaming it on her comatose mother. She talks about seeing Perry as her mother, pushing her own abuser down the stairs that night instead of Perry.

From there, things only continue to get more confusing. Jane struggles with Corey going to the police and not telling her, even though he admits that he didn’t tell them anything. Everyone is on edge because the detective refuses to accept their story about Perry’s death, and now, with Celeste in court trying to keep custody of her sons, that night is under investigation once more.

Throughout the trial, Mary Louise‘s lawyer continues to question her about that night, despite the case being about her ability to raise her sons. And despite the pleas of the judge and Celeste’s lawyer, he continues to question her about how Perry fell that extra step if he just slipped.

Using a video demonstration, he explains why it doesn’t make sense that Perry Wright fell. And the more Celeste is questioned about it, the more Bonnie wants to stand up and admit to being the one who pushed him. Still, no one admits the truth, and Celeste gets out of the hot seat — but not before asking to cross-examine Mary Louise as well. If she is being questioned about her abilities as a mother, then Mary Louise should be questioned too, since she wants to take custody of the twins.

Everyone is seemingly falling apart, trying to keep their families together while also keeping this secret hidden. And the more Mary Louise pokes into their lives, the more they’re faced with the truth about what they did.

Make sure to check back on Culturess for more news about Big Little Lies.