Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD: Izel or Sarge, who can we trust?


Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD shed some light on both Sarge and Izel in its latest episode. But whose story can we really trust at this point?

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD finally opened up a bit more in this week’s episode about the looming threat to Earth.

And by “opened up,” I mean gave us two different points of view of the situation from two sources who aren’t exactly trustworthy or reliable.

Which begs the question: Who exactly can we trust? Sarge or Izel?

The main problem is that neither character is telling us the full picture. They just keep giving characters enough information to keep them sated and to keep them from asking more questions for the time being.

Sarge only tells us that Izel has a hatred for all living things. But Izel tells FitzSimmons that she’s on a quest for the stolen monoliths (to do what, we still aren’t sure).

Izel is steeped in mythos across the Earth, painting her as the hate-beast Sarge keeps blustering on about — which makes it so much easier to believe that she’s the big bad of the season.

Add all that onto the fact that she definitely controls the shrike and is on a collision course for Earth, and it really does set her up as the big bad. And how does she conveniently save the only two Earthlings in the space quadrant while they’re trying not to get beheaded? Fishy for sure.

On the other hand, you have Sarge. He’s direct and seems honest with his motivations (stopping Izel because she murdered everyone he loved). But he’s already kept plenty from SHIELD that you know there’s more up his sleeve.

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I can’t imagine Agents of SHIELD trying to make us believe anyone played by Clark Gregg is the big bad of the season. But you have to admit he’s starting to look pretty suspicious of something.