A beautiful Twitter thread compares Peter Parker to Harry Potter and his ‘dads’ and we cried


Ever look at all the father figures in Harry Potter’s life and cry? Well, you can also do that with Peter Parker and the two work together pretty beautifully.

A Twitter thread that compares Harry Potter to Peter Parker? Yeah, it’s just as perfect as you’d expect. Basically comparing their father figures, it is almost a perfect look at what each of these boys had to go through and those around them who either died because of it or suffered for being close to them.

My personal favorite comes at the hands of Sirius Black being compared to Tony Stark. Two characters that saw their respective boys as their sons, they both suffered and were prisoners of their own pasts and ended up trying their bests, even if they died.

The thread goes on to make great comparisons, saying that Mysterio is like Mad-Eye Moody and Happy is close to Remus Lupin which all makes me both sad for those lost in both franchises while also laughing at two of my favorite boys and their similarities.

Much like Harry Potter, Peter Parker just wants someone in his life to look up to, someone he can turn to and talk to when things seem to be too much. That might be too much for them to comprehend when they’re younger but, when we, as the audience, look at their relationships, we can see just how much they loved each of these men like the father that neither got to have.

One might be a wizard and the other might be your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man but they are both just kids.

dark. Next. Death Eaters aren’t that different from those who support President Trump

Did you cry over these comparisons or do you have some of your own? Let us know what you think about this thread in the comments below!