What’s new in July for PlayStation Plus members?

PlayStation announced the July games for its Plus members. Looking for a straight-up sports game an an ode to 90s racing? Look no further!

PlayStation announced its July offerings for Plus members on June 26. Right on schedule, unlike the June announcement.

Below are the two new offerings for PlayStation Plus members for the month of July:

  • Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
  • Horizon Chase Turbo

Are either of these games worth your time during this peak summertime month?

Just as the Women’s World Cup ends, the first offering of Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 arrives to sate all of your soccer needs. By Konami, it’s the closest you’ll get to EA Sports’ FIFA games. And because EA holds the FIFA licenses, you won’t get any World Cup action in this game.

Still, Pro Evolution Soccer is known for its realistic soccer game play. And if you’re looking for a new sports game and aren’t quite sure what to try next, this may just be the place to start.

Now, if you’re looking for some 1990s nostalgia with modern updates, you’ll want to check out Horizon Chase Turbo. Created by indie developer Aquiris Game Studio, it actually started as a mobile game back in 2015 and migrated to Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One in 2018.

Honestly, it looks like Rad Racer, but much less frustrating and without the horrendous 3D glasses. It’s a sleek update to the 90s racing games we grew up on. You have to place in the top 5 spots to unlock the next course, and raking in as many points and trophies as possible helps you boost up your racer as the difficulty progresses.

So are either of the PlayStation Plus offerings worth your time this month? If you’re looking for a nostalgia trip, definitely try out Horizon Chase Turbo. Its setup makes you think “one more race and then I’ll go to bed” again and again. If you want a straight-up sports game, then Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 is your game of choice.

And if you’re not quite sure on either and don’t know if you’re ready to commit to the Plus membership this month, then hold off until the August offerings are announced.

Don’t forget that you can still download June’s offerings–Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and Sonic Mania–through July 1. Both Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 and Horizon Chase Turbo will be available on July 2.