Mad-Eye Moody and Draco Malfoy: Two characters with quite the history


They may have been a teacher and a student but Draco Malfoy and Mad-Eye Moody have quite the complicated history. Or maybe it was Barty Crouch Jr. who hated him so much.

Draco Malfoy has a lot of enemies but is his enemy Barty Crouch Jr. or Mad-Eye Moody? The young boy gets into a confrontation with the professor who then turns him into a ferret but the problem is that Mad-Eye Moody was often taken over by Barty Crouch Jr. in the time that we’ve known him.

So does Barty Crouch Jr. just hate Draco? It wouldn’t be too surprising. When Draco was in school, he wasn’t exactly the most likable of characters. In his defense, it was also because of his parents and what he was going through but also Draco Malfoy loved to tell everyone who his family was and how much money he had so maybe everyone just had it out for him.

It wouldn’t be that surprising but even if Draco Malfoy wasn’t hated, it is confusing because did Barty Crouch Jr. just assume that Mad-Eye would hate him or did Barty have a gripe against Draco? No matter what the case, it is still one of the greatest moments in the series, especially when McGonagall chastises him, especially because she agrees with Mad-Eye even though they can’t turn the students into animals.

So, who really hates Draco Malfoy? Probably a lot of Hogwarts but we know he becomes a pretty cool adult so at least he’s better off when he gets older, right?

Next. Just because we’re adults now doesn’t mean that we have to suddenly stop liking Harry Potter. dark

Do you think it was Barty Crouch Jr. or Mad-Eye Moody who hated Draco Malfoy the most? Let us know what you think in the comments below!