Tackling fatherhood in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


Fatherhood is a hard nut to crack and Harry Potter does an interesting job of it in Cursed Child but he’s not the only father within the play. We’re looking at how they all tackle it!

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a beautiful show that looks at a lot of Harry Potter’s life in a new way but what is maybe the best part is all of our favorite characters are tackling fatherhood! Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Harry Potter all have their own children that they have to deal with and they tackle that in different ways.

Unsurprisingly, Ron is the fun dad. Here to take care of his kids when they need him and make them laugh. Harry, so consumed in not having his own father, becomes overbearing to his own son because, despite Harry’s thoughts, Albus is the most like him and he doesn’t know how to handle it. With Draco, he just wants Scorpius to be happy after everything he’s been through.

Looking at all these fathers, it is fun to see just how much they continued to grow into the characters we know and love. They let their stories continue to be told through their children but they also didn’t make it so that their children would make their same mistakes.

Harry and Draco may have had their issues but, in the end, they can’t keep their sons from being friends with one another because they need each other and it, in turn, helps Harry and Draco grow as fathers.

Hermione Granger is the best kind of hero for young girls to look to. dark. Next

Have you seen Harry Potter and the Cursed Child yet? Do you think all these fathers are learning from one another? Let us know what you think in the comments below!