Sirius Black and the father figure that he became for Harry Potter


Harry Potter didn’t have many father figures in his life that was worth looking up to but Sirius Black stood in the place of James Potter and was there for Harry in important ways.

Sirius Black was one of the few father figures in Harry Potter’s life that wasn’t there just because he had to be. He wanted to be a part of Harry’s life and that was a beautiful part of the series. So, on this Father’s day, it is important to also look at the father figures in one’s life and how important they are.

Sirius was there because of James, yes, but he was needed and he answered that call. Harry Potter needed a father figure and that’s what Sirius Black was going to be. The problem with Sirius Black’s relationship with Harry is just that we didn’t get that many moments of them together.

The two barely got to be together because Sirius was still a prisoner but the moments they did share together showed just how important Sirius Black was to Harry Potter. That being said, he probably would have loved to see Harry’s whole family and what he grew into years down the line but he didn’t have that chance.

Sirius Black may have just been a father figure to Harry Potter but he also wanted to be there for him in a way that James never could be and that’s one of the better aspects of his character. Sirius Black would have been a great godfather had he survived.

Next. Tackling fatherhood in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. dark

Sirius Black deserved so much more than he got and that’s what we have to live with. Do you think Sirius Black would have loved being there for Harry even more? Let us know in the comments below!