3 ways the rumored Fantastic Four reboot can tie into the MCU


There’s a rumor that the Fantastic Four could quickly be getting rebooted. Here’s how the Marvel Comics family could find its way into the MCU.

Fantastic Four fans have probably had it up to here with mediocre (or just plain bad) movies that don’t do the famous four justice. Luckily, the latest rumors out now are suggesting that Ant-Man director Peyton Reed has some interest in directing the movie’s reboot within the MCU, and it could come quite soon.

According to GWW, Marvel Studios could possibly get the movie out by 2022. The rumored pitch, as GWW mentions, could include the Quantum Realm and the Black Knight, and (most surprisingly) it could take place in the 1960s.

Entering the MCU, the Fantastic Four movie can’t just be your typical standalone film. Even if it were to take place in the past, the movie (like all Marvel movies) will have to have some reference to the MCU — whether it be through familiar characters, events, or even objects. Based on what we know about the MCU so far, these predictions just may help ease the new Fantastic Four into the MCU.

Things will go fine… until the snap

Technically, if the movie were set in the 1960s, the Fantastic Four wouldn’t really have to worry about Thanos and his quest for the Infinity Stones. But, Spider-Man: Far From Home dropped a bit of knowledge about what happened following the snap. Thanks to Thanos, a hole was ripped in space and time, and thus, Mysterio was taken from his universe to the current Earth, 616.

If the snap’s effect has these kinds of properties, it could also rip people from one year into another. (No one has to get technical about how the quantum physics of this works. Let’s just accept it as comic book logic.)

In short, the movie would be business as usual, fighting the Black Knight or the villain of the week. Then at the end, maybe partly due to some of Reed Richards’ experimenting, he and the team are taken through the vacuum of time and space into the post-snap future.

Hank Pym (accidentally) sends them into the Quantum Realm

With the rumored movie possibly having some connection to the Quantum Realm, we know the man with the plan in this area is Hank Pym. By the ’60s, he’s already got his ready-to-use Pym Particles at SHIELD, and they may be of use to the Fantastic Four in some way.

The four may find themselves in a Janet van Dyne/Scott Lang situation, where they accidentally end up trapped in the Quantum Realm. Similar to the snap theory, once they’re finally out, they may end up in the future, having to deal with a completely new world.

Reed Richards and Howard Stark work together

In a completely separate case from the other two theories, the Fantastic Four don’t necessarily have to blast their way from the past to the present like Janet van Dyne or Captain America.

As such, if the movie doesn’t involve time travel of sorts, it’s fine for the team to integrate themselves into the MCU via old characters we’ve seen before. Yes, Hank Pym could be part of that, but Howard Stark is another key figure the four might find themselves running in to.

There are many different ways Howard Stark could rub elbows with the Fantastic Four, with him introducing them to SHIELD or having them take part in the Stark Expo.

But, honestly, Howard or any other familiar characters shouldn’t completely steal the thunder from the Fantastic Four. Their roles would be better suited as a cameo than being main characters.

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What would you like to see happen when the Fantastic Four join the MCU? Let us know in the comments.