Spider-Man: Far From Home: Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal debuts today, and we have a mini-elevator pitch on why you should pick it up. (Or at least tell your local bookstore to order it.)
Comic book media has infiltrated our entire lives, and we’re not ashamed about it. In fact, we’re quite grateful. Now, comic book media is plotting to take over our bookshelves, nightstands, and our bedtime routines (after all, reading a captivating book before bed is the best step in our regimen). We don’t have spidey sense, but we do know an exceptional comic-related book when we read one, and Spider-Man: Far From Home: Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal is just that book.
Authored by Preeti Chhibber and illustrated by George McClements and Stéphane Kardos, there’s a lot to unpack with this adorable literary adventure — from all the history lessons to the meme references, and even some arachnid humor. To celebrate the book’s release today, we have a few reasons to get you enthralled about picking up Spider-Man: Far From Home: Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal. (If you haven’t already pre-ordered it, of course.)
Spider-Man: Far From Home: Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal. Image via Amazon.com.
1. It’s written by a kick-butt author
Seriously, Chhibber has been covering comic media news, America’s (and fandom’s) tush, and every refreshingly nerdy observation in between for years. Beyond amplifying and vocalizing our own pop culture opinions, Chhibber understands the Young Adult genre and why we all resonant so much with Peter Parker. And, her nerdy expertise is indisputable in Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal.
We agree with SyFy that Preeti Chhibber was born to write this book, and (hopefully) many more to come!
Full cover for Spider-Man: Far From Home: Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal. Image via Amazon.com.
2. It’s an ode to Peter and Ned’s friendship
Every superhero needs a bestie. We’ll keep this segment brief because everyone knows Peter and Ned are 100 percent #FriendshipGoals. This wholehearted book just adds more sentimental value to their companionship… even if no vacation really goes according to plan for Spider-Man or the tech genius Ned.
Naturally, their novelization just means you’ll probably need to restock your tissue supply. But we promise it’s worth it.
3. It’ll get you hyped for Spider-Man: Far From Home
There isn’t really a time where the superhero fandom isn’t in peril. But especially after Avengers: Endgame, it’s safe to say the MCU fandom is a bit more chaotic than usual. Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal probably won’t be able to amend every fandom war, but it will amplify your pre-Far From Home excitement.
You probably didn’t need help with that. Nonetheless, Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal gives you a new angle on how Spider-Man’s balancing his hero gig and her personal life. This book doesn’t just supplement the upcoming film; it enriches Peter Parker’s mythos. It’s forever a part of his canon.
4. And it’ll probably help you with the inevitably sad moments in the movie
We’re not going to flail around the probably impending sad moments in Far From Home. We all know the full deceitful extent of Mysterio’s comic book capabilities. So, why wouldn’t we expect the upcoming film to hurt us even more?
Sure, we can’t guarantee that Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal will fill your mood with enough joyous and wholesome content that you’ll be utterly unphased by dear ol’ Fish Bowl and his shenanigans. However, it will give you something to smile about before the MCU gets a chance to snatch it away again.
5. The art alone will cure your post-Endgame sadness
Okay, it probably won’t cure your lingering anguish or reduce your Russo-related therapy sessions.
But just look at the cover art. Filling hundreds of pages full of Peter and Ned’s trip, the lively illustrations will at least refocus your fervent fan-theorying to the positive side of the Spider-Man fandom.
There’s a lot to unpack with this book, so this list is clearly abridged. Nevertheless, Spider-Man: Far From Home: Peter and Ned’s Ultimate Travel Journal is a must read for any Spider-Man fan.