The 100 season 6 episode 5: Clues from the teaser


Last week’s episode of The 100 ended on a shocking note, with the Lightbournes replacing Clarke’s mind with their daughter’s. And during this week’s episode, fans will get to know Josephine Lightbourne a little bit better.

The past few episodes of The 100 focused on building the world of Sanctum, and the most recent one opened up an entirely new storyline surrounding the Nightblood “hosts” fans are introduced to. As it turns out, the Primes use the hosts to insert the minds and memories of their loved ones—bringing back the dead, but simultaneously erasing the minds of the hosts.

During “The Face Behind the Glass,” the Lightbournes insert the mind of their daughter, Josephine, into Clarke. And judging by the teaser, fans are going to get to know Josephine a bit better in this week’s episode, “The Gospel of Josephine.”

Watch the promo for this week’s episode here:

There’s a lot going on in the brief clips from “The Gospel of Josephine,” but here are some noteworthy points about the next episode.

Josephine is defending the Primes as Clarke.

In the season 6 trailer, we get a voiceover from Clarke, saying, “These people are happy.” But if fans thought this was an endorsement of Sanctum from Clarke herself, it looks like that’s not actually the case. Instead, it appears as though Josephine is defending the Primes to one of the members of Skaikru. But who could she be arguing with?

It’s possible that Jordan has something to say about the people of Sanctum, especially after witnessing Delilah’s mind being wiped. But Madi, Bellamy, Raven, and the others are equally as perceptive—meaning it’s only a matter of time until one of them picks up on Sanctum’s cult mentality. The episode description also mentions that Bellamy and Clarke will be at odds again…possibly because Clarke isn’t acting like herself anymore.

Josephine’s not too pleased to see Kaylee.

Kaylee is one of the members of Sanctum who hasn’t played a major role in season 6—beyond hijacking Skaikru’s ship and being outsmarted by Raven, Diyoza, and Madi. The promo shows her interacting with Josephine as Clarke, though, and things don’t appear to go too well.

In fact, at the end of the teaser, Josephine stabs her in the neck. And given that Josephine is actually Clarke, this move could lead to a number of issues between Skaikru and Sanctum—as well as between Clarke and her friends, most of whom haven’t exactly been thrilled with Clarke’s instincts toward violence over the past few seasons.

There might be more things the Primes are hiding.

With the major reveal about the Nightbloods in Sanctum, it seemed as though the secrets of the Primes had been laid bare. But in the teaser, Russell tells Josephine, “They don’t know what we are. We need to keep it that way.” So, are there more surprises about the Primes to come?

Russell’s words could merely allude to the fact that the Primes are other people transplanted into host bodies. That seems like it’s the case with every Prime in Sanctum, and Russell knows the knowledge that Clarke is no longer Clarke would begin a war with the newcomers from Skaikru. But it’s also possible there’s more to learn about the cult-like group. It’s The 100, so there are bound to be more twists coming our way.

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The 100 airs on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.