The Game of Thrones series finale gets a surprisingly low score on Rotten Tomatoes

Game of Thrones has come to an end, and the finale has been met with heavy criticism from fans.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for the Game of Thrones finale. 

As of now, we are living in a post (TV) Game of Thrones world. The original series has come to an end, and both fans and critics alike have been largely torn with how this season played out. But now with the final episode behind us, we can see that critics were just not happy.

At a not too shocking 57 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, this is the lowest score the otherwise highly regarded show has ever received. Now this number will fluctuate — other critics are still chiming in, and they have yet to tally the fans score as well.

As a whole though, this season hasn’t fared well.

  • Episode 1 – 92 percent
  • Episode 2 – 88 percent
  • Episode 3 – 75 percent
  • Episode 4 – 55 percent
  • Episode 5 – 47 percent
  • Episode 6 – 57 percent.

This season as a whole is sitting at a 70 percent approval rating, while every other season has an over 90 percent rating. Season 4 has the highest rating so far at 97 percent.

One can argue that this season felt very rushed, with characters acting out of line. Character arcs were all but thrown away in a matter of minutes, and everyone’s favorite Mother of Dragons turned into what we knew she could become — The Mad Queen.

Critics and fans alike panned the rush to make her a villain (and her predictable demise), though others argue the groundwork had been there this whole time. The surviving Stark children are now kings and queens in their own respective way (and boy, did they get justice for their fallen family).

Despite some glaring flaws, I was happy with the ending. But the rush to get to this ending can’t be ignored, and in this post Game of Thrones world, the best we can hope for is the book series giving fans what they actually want. Better development.

So what did you think? What did you like or dislike about the end? Let us know in the comments below!