The trailers for Detective Pikachu show plenty of our favorite Pokémon, but there are still a few more we’re hoping to get a glimpse of when the movie hits theaters this week.
Detective Pikachu hits theaters in less than a week, and Pokémon fans are almost as excited as when Pokémon: The First Movie came out. Not only do we have a new reason to run to theaters and see our favorite Pokémon on the big screen (even if some of them are terrifying), but we get to witness Ryan Reynolds playing Pikachu—which is bound to be hysterical, even if you aren’t big on Pokémon.
If you are a fan, though, and have grown up with these creatures, you’re likely checking the trailers to get a glimpse of what your favorites look like in the live action. And the trailers have shown plenty of the Pokémon we’ll see in the upcoming film.
Watch the movie trailer here:
But while fans have some idea what they’re walking into, there are likely to be way more Pokémon in Detective Pikachu than the trailer shows. Here are some of our favorites that we’re hoping pop up during the film, even if they haven’t surfaced in the previews yet.
Between the two trailers, we’ve already seen what Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle look like in Detective Pikachu. There seem to be a few Pokémon from later generations as well, including Totodile and Treecko, but will we see more of those starters?
Cyndaquil is one of those Pokémon that would either look really good or really bad remade for live action; there’s probably no in-between. The second-generation fire starter is a favorite, though, and there’s always a chance of seeing Typhlosion. That’s totally worth the risk.
Torchic is another fan favorite when it comes to starter Pokémon, and let’s be honest, most of us would love to see Blaziken being a badass in Detective Pikachu.
We’ve got a few water starters in the trailer, from Squirtle to Totodile to Greninja. But Piplup is nowhere to be seen, and it’d be a shame to miss out on the water penguin.
Snivy is one of the better later-generation grass starters, and he’s another one with plenty of attitude. We’d love to see him, but we just hope he doesn’t look as scary as Treecko does in the trailer…
The only legendary we’ve seen in the trailers for Detective Pikachu so far is Mewtwo, but that doesn’t mean we won’t get a peek at a few others.
If there are any other legendary Pokémon at the forefront of the movie, Mew seems like the most obvious choice. We’ve already seen Mewtwo, and most of us assume the two go hand in hand. But maybe that’s just us being nostalgic for the first film again…
If Detective Pikachu wanted to give a nod to the Pokémon television show, having a Ho-Oh fly overhead at some point would be a really solid way to do so. It would make a great callback to the first episode of the animated series, and it would give us a look at one of the legendary birds.
It’s unlikely Detective Pikachu would dive into the legendary dogs, especially if the movie is already covering Mew and Mewtwo. Still, after seeing Entei’s powers in the third Pokémon movie, we’d by lying if we didn’t want a brief shot of it in Detective Pikachu.
Celebi is a legendary Pokémon whose time traveling abilities could come in handy, especially when it comes to finding Tim’s father. And even though we’re all just here to see the Pokémon, finding Tim’s dad is what the movie is really about.
Latios and Latias
Counting Latios and Latias as one is probably cheating, but how could Pokémon fans be expected to choose between the two? These dragon legendaries are powerful and adorable, and what more can you really ask for?
After years of watching Team Rocket chase around Ash and his friends, it just wouldn’t feel like a Pokémon movie without seeing Meowth pop up somewhere—even if it’s just a regular Meowth, and not a talking one with lots of sarcastic commentary. (But we’d totally be here for that, too.)
Dragonite may not be a legendary Pokémon, but it’s gained legendary status over the years. Most Pokémon lovers would even be thrilled to just see Dratini or Dragonair on the big screen, but witnessing Dragonite in action would really be a treat.
It would definitely be fun to witness a run-in between Detective Pikachu and his evolved form. Not only would Reynolds’ character probably feel the need to appear macho in front of Raichu, but Raichu would probably be adorable—especially if he looks anything like Pikachu. It’s really a win-win situation.
On a similar note, Reynolds’ Pikachu would probably have a comical reaction to Mimikyu as well. For him, it would probably be like looking into a funhouse mirror. Plus, it would be fascinating to see just how disturbing Detective Pikachu could make the Pikachu-lookalike appear onscreen. As we pointed out previously, some of the Pokémon designs are truly horrifying.
Lucario is a Pokémon that fans would love to see on the big screen, especially if they’re fans of Super Smash Bros. What are the chances Lucario would get a fight scene in the film too?
Which Pokémon are you most excited to see in Detective Pikachu? Let us know in the comments!