Game of Thrones: What do Beric and Melisandre’s deaths mean for Jon Snow?


Game of Thrones’ “The Long Night” is full of references to the Lord of Light. In fact, some might even say the Red God saved the day this week.

The Lord of Light’s servants came in clutch during this week’s episode of Game of Thrones, using their powers to help save Winterfell. But once their destinies were fulfilled, their lives came to abrupt ends. So, what does that mean for Jon?

Religion has always played a role on Game of Thrones, though the significance of that role has increased as the series has progressed. In particular, the Lord of Light has become a more prominent figure during the later seasons of the show—even if most fans are still questioning whether such an entity can actually exist in Westeros. And given the resurrections of Beric Dondarrion and Jon Snow, it seems that something must be calling the shots in these situations.

And the Red God played a major part in this week’s episode, “The Long Night,” especially after Melisandre showed up on the battlefield. Melisandre has always claimed to pull her powers and predictions from the Lord of Light, and this week’s episode seems to prove her superstitions at least partially correct.

Not only does she light up half the battlefield using her magic from the Red God, but she also reminds Arya of a prophecy she once made—which viewers later realize suggests that Melisandre predicted who would kill the Night King all along.

Game of Thrones – “The Long Night”. Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

But two character arcs also come to an end after the Battle of Winterfell — Beric Dondarrion and Melisandre. And the interesting thing about both of their deaths is that they were supposedly willed by the Lord of Light. Once their purposes had been fulfilled, they perished.

Beric, who has been resurrected numerous times over the course of the series without knowing why, finally reveals that his “reason” for surviving was to ensure that Arya lived and stopped the Night King. Once Beric does this, however, he’s stabbed to death by wights—something Melisandre credits to the fact that the Red God no longer needs him alive. And sure, that could just be superstition. Plenty of people died without the Lord of Light’s blessing during the battle. But Melisandre’s fate ends in a similar way.

Game of Thrones – “The Long Night”. Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

During the seventh season of the show, Melisandre tells Varys that she must return to Westeros one more time because she’s destined to die there. And while Melisandre has seemingly served more than one purpose since the show started (let’s applaud her once more for bringing back Jon), it appears saving the day at Winterfell was her final job.

After she does this, she takes off her necklace and ages to dust—which fans now realize she also attempted to do after bringing back Jon. It didn’t work, however, because the Lord of Light still had other plans for her back then.

Carice van Houten as Melisandre. Photo: Courtesy of HBO

But if the Lord of Light immediately disposes of his servants as soon as they’ve served their purpose, what does this mean for Jon Snow? Much like Beric Dondarrion, Jon was resurrected in the Red God’s name during the show’s sixth season. And while it seemed he would be destined to kill the Night King at the time, that doesn’t seem to be why Jon came back.

So, what then is Jon’s reason for returning from the dead? And will he meet a quick end, just like Beric and Melisandre, as soon as he’s fulfilled it? Their fates certainly don’t bode well for Jon’s odds of survival.

In fact, the only chance Jon might have at living out a long life is if his destiny is to sit on the Iron Throne. Ruling a kingdom is a long and tiring job, and it’s likely Jon’s leadership skills would keep him at it until he’s old and grey.

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Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.

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