“There’s been an awakening. Have you felt it?” Star Wars fans now have reports on the internet about how The Rise of Skywalker could end.
Warning: Though they are not yet confirmed, Star Wars fans should be wary about the following reports on The Rise of Skywalker.
Well, that was quick. As Making Star Wars notes, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker doesn’t come out until December, and yet before May arrives, we already have potential insider information on part of the ending of the entire Skywalker saga.
That ending could very well include the end of the current generation of the family, Rey being revealed as a Skywalker notwithstanding. According to MSW, what they’re hearing includes Kylo Ren dying in order to take the spirit of the Emperor with him, as the Emperor temporarily possesses him.
While Jason Ward name-checks The Exorcist in the above-linked article, this honestly feels like a reflection of Return of the Jedi instead. Kylo Ren’s entire motivation is to be as close to his grandfather as he can be, and how does Darth Vader die for Anakin Skywalker to return? By turning against Emperor Palpatine and defeating him. Could this be one of the things that J.J. Abrams altered about the movie? We’re not sure, but if this is how it all plays out, then it’s not just a reference for the sake of making a reference; it’s just as much about Kylo Ren’s arc as it is about echoing the saga’s previous events, because Kylo Ren has that same sort of desire.
It also appears that at first, Kylo Ren and Rey will be working together in a “two-on-one duel,” since Palpatine possesses someone else first, MSW reports. That’s a chance to improve upon The Last Jedi‘s iconic fight scene as well as showing how far Rey has come in the time between the two movies, much like her flip over the TIE Silencer in the first trailer.
Let’s face it: We’ll watch three Force users in a fight over two Force users and a bunch of non-Force users anytime. If the fight choreography can live up to the promise of these rumors, we might be in for a treat.