The Weasley Twins: Why we love them so much and miss their dynamic


Fred and George Weasley are some of our favorite characters and what we’re always going to miss from the series is the dynamic that these two characters had with one another.

Does anyone hate Fred and George Weasley? Is that a thing that happens in the world? Or are we all under the agreement that the twins are two of the best characters around? Fred and George were the big brothers to Ron that many of us would have hated growing up but love when they’re our friend’s siblings.

They would torment Ron, tease him, but at the end of the day, they were always there for him. But what made Fred and George so loveable was their dynamic with each other. Constantly teasing their mother and making jokes, the two were fun, happy, and always willing to lighten the mood.

What’s sad for us now, as fans, is that even with shows like Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, we don’t get to see Fred and George reunited. Fred was lost to the Battle of Hogwarts and with that went our dynamic. Gone were the days when Fred and George would run the joke shop together and tease their siblings. The laughter isn’t there in the same way it was with both Fred and George around and it is truly one of the saddest moments in the entire Harry Potter series.

We got to see these two grow and become brothers that their siblings could rely on and it is sad to think about all the things that Fred never got to see.

Next. Harry Potter, what is he good for? Absolutely nothing. Unless you tell him what to do. dark

We love Fred and George a lot. The Weasley twins are some of the best characters out there and it saddens us that we won’t ever get to see them joke around together once more.