7 memorable moments in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power season 2

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Scorpia’s crush on Catra

The first season of She-Ra started hinting at Scorpia’s crush on Catra. Given that the series has a lot of LGBTQ-coded characters and some explicitly gay characters, there’s no other way to describe Scorpia’s obsession with Catra.

Seriously, there is no explanation for Scorpia giving Catra a pet name (wildcat) and then referring to her as “my wildcat.” She’s even overprotective of her wildcat, from physically protecting her, emotionally protecting her (i.e. getting her to vent about her post-Shadow Weaver escape woes), and defending her honor. Scorpia is head over claws in love with Catra.

Like any young crush, there are some complications. Seeing as Catra is still obsessed with Adora, as an enemy, a friend, and as a crush, Catra doesn’t notice any of Scorpia’s not-so-subtle flirting. Granted, Catra starts to develop some mutual respect for Scorpia by the end of season 2. Respect is only one ingredient in love or mutual crushing, and we’re still waiting to see how season 3 will handle Scorpia and Catra’s ongoing arc. (We get it: Season 2 just came out, but we’re already ready for season 3.)

Just as much as Scorpia wants to know Catra’s favorite color and favorite everything, we hope that Catra reciprocates more than just respect for Scorpia in the next season. It would definitely complicate things for the whelming number of Catadora shippers in the fandom. We just want to see Scorpia find someone who reciprocates her intense feelings because that’s what she deserves, and we don’t want her to feel the sting of unrequited love for too long.