Game of Thrones vs. the MCU: 5 character battles we’d like to see

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Photo: HBO / Photo: Marvel Studios

Ser Pounce vs. Goose

This is a sealed deal: Captain Marvel’s Goose would absolutely decimate good-natured Ser Pounce, who has never done anything wrong in his life ever. RIP sweet fluffy knight of our hearts.

Goose, for one, is a Flerken, meaning that he is an extremely dangerous alien. He might look soft and gentle but make such an assumption at your own cost. He is Nick Fury’s greatest living enemy – the only creature to leave his mark on the formidable Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Goose is volatile, wily and we expect even the formidable finger-snapping Thanos himself is afraid of his sharp claws and monstrous appetite.

In fact, did anyone actually  think about involving Goose in the fight against Josh Brolin’s Violet Beauregarde? He could have at least gouged out an eye (as is his wont) or bit off an opposable thumb? The cat inhaled a Tesseract, for goodness sake. He has the range.

Ser Pounce, on the other hand, actually is soft and gentle. The poor beleaguered fluffball has had to deal with Joffrey’s sadism, Margaery’s excessive flirting and the general bad vibes that King’s Landing must surely emanate in spades.

The poor lamb is tired. Let him sleep soundly on King Tommen’s lap in Cat Heaven (yes, Tommen’s there too, don’t question it), away from the fierce flerkens like Goose who would eat him for breakfast.

Winner: Goose