Let’s talk about these canon Harry Potter couples who aren’t the best


There are just some Harry Potter couples we don’t get. That’s not our fault, but there are a little too many that we wish didn’t exist in the series. Mainly Ginny and Harry, sorry!

Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley got married and that’s fine but also they’re not that exciting. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley got married and okay. And then Tonks and Remus Lupin got married and again, we all said “what?” because that was out there.

But that’s the Harry Potter series for us all! We’re giving these pretty amazing character we know and love and want together but then that part of the story is changed and flipped to fit a new narrative and we’re left going “Wait, why is Draco marrying someone that isn’t Hermione or Harry?” and that’s on us.

The ships we all grew up loving shouldn’t still weigh heavily on us but for many, we still want to see our favorites together. To see Hermione Granger and Harry Potter married? My time couldn’t come soon enough! It’d be a wonderful thing.

The problem is that we probably won’t even have fic for that much longer. Who among us is still writing fanfiction for our favorite couples now that the series is ended? Is there someone who loves Harmony and is writing us content? Is there still a huge community for it or has that come and past?

Because, while we don’t have to like the canon couples, they do tend to get more content and maybe that’s why we don’t like them.

Next. The Weasley Twins: Why we love them so much and miss their dynamic. dark

Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley may not be the best couple together but also, everyone else as their own favorites! What are yours? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think!