Will we get to see Stan Lee in Avengers: Endgame?

Avengers: Endgame marks the end of an era in more than just one way. Namely, because it includes Stan Lee’s last MCU cameo.

Warning: Since this article will detail Stan Lee’s cameo, there are Avengers: Endgame spoilers below. We won’t include any plot-related spoilers though, just what we need to showcase Lee’s cameo.

The MCU might be a decade long and 22 films strong, but Stan Lee’s creations helped mold the on-screen comic characters. Signifying the end of Phase 3, Endgame also reminds us of a crucial comic book creator, Stan Lee.

We packed a couple of travel-sized tissue boxes for the inevitable sad moments in Avengers: Endgame. However, we mostly used them for Stan Lee’s final cameo in the MCU.

Apart from the mid and post-credit scenes, Stan Lee’s cameos are one of the many highlights in an MCU film. The former Marvel Comics Editor in Chief’s latest and final cameo is no different.

At one point in the film, the camera pans to a car helmed by Lee with a woman in the passenger seat. As a couple of characters walk by, Lee’s on-screen character peeks out of the car window and shouts, “Make love, not war.”

Admittedly, that’s hard to do given the wake of snap and the tension following Avengers: Infinity War. Though this is Lee’s last MCU cameo, Gizmodo notes that Lee still has some final projects rolling out in the near future. As we wait for Audible to release Lee’s audio tale, Alliances: A Trick of Light, we’ll have to fight have the urge to rewatch Endgame solely for his appearance.

If anything, Lee’s Endgame scene might be more special because it adds another sentimental layer to the film. Endgame marks 10 years of MCU films and character building, and seeing him again is a bittersweet moment in the final film for Phase 3.

Beyond Alliances and his ingrained presents in Marvel Comics history and the MCU mythology, Lee’s Endgame cameo won’t be the last time we see him. His legacy will live on in his characters and in the fandom.