The rule of spoilers: How the Harry Potter generation has learned to face them


We know what it is like to worry about spoilers as fans of the Harry Potter series but how would we fair in the digital age when it came to the series? Would we remain unspoiled?

Spoilers are par for the course now and, with Harry Potter, we missed the age of everything being instantly thrown onto social media. So how would we have survived if we had to try and compete to finish the books before someone spoiled it for us online?

The easiest explanation is to just not go online but sometimes, you can’t help it. We were are least blessed that the books all were basically out by the time Twitter became a big deal. (Twitter started in 2006 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out in 2007 but Twitter wasn’t a big deal at that time.)

So, would we be okay now? The perfect example is looking at Avengers: Endgame. We’re all so worried about spoilers that we’re going on social media blackouts and running away out of fear of someone telling us what happens in the movie.

Now imagine that with the Harry Potter series where we have to sit and read the books? If you’re a slow reader, beware. Who knows what you could be spoiled on, especially if you have to go to work and do things other than reading the series! Lucky for us all, the series is over. That is…unless J.K. Rowling wants to give us some more Potter content!

Next. The paranormal in the Harry Potter series and other fictional worlds. dark

Do you think we would remain unspoiled until we finished reading the book or would spoilers run free online as we were reading? Would it be the same as when we were kids? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!